January 25 th Woods Walk Page 64 |
We're going for a walk! We're going for a walk! Happy dog...Happy dog! Hey...Joe buddy! Why do I have to be on a leash? Why not the dog? |  |
Come on, Galahad! We get to run through the woods! |  |
She must be really trusting me ...letting me go without a halter! |  |
I'll just make sure I stay good...so she'll trust me even more, next time! |  |
Hey ! Wait for me! |  |
I like this! |  |
I love when I can just run through the forest! |  |
There's so much to see! |  |
And all kinds of things to eat! |  |
I'll say! It's like a salad bar! |  |
I'm running to Dottie because she just called me in! |  |
When I come to her...I get a carrot! |  |
It works for me! Then she'll tell me to go play...as she walks away! Most times I just walk with her...I like to hum when I walk! She likes to hum back! |  |
You let Solly off the leash? |  |
No rest for the weary! |  |
Incoming! |  |
Boy...can he run! I wish I could run like that! |  |
Come on...run with me! |  |
He's running wild! |  |
I'll hang with you, Galahad! |  |
That's okay, Donk E! You go and run...I'll walk with Dottie and Joe! Go get him! |  |
I'm right behind you...Solly! |  |
Look at them go! I wish I could run like that! |  |
Well...come on! Cut loose, Galahad! |  |
I'm gonna get ya, Galahad! Look out! |  |
Race ya back, Galahad! |  |
Gee...Donk E! You're fast! |  |
That was great! |  |
You think Donk E's fast? |  |
Well...he beat me! |  |
No...it's okay, Joe! I'm happy just walking with you! |  |
Come on...Galahad! |  |
Hmph! He thinks Donk E's fast...wait till he sees this! |  |
Wow! Look at him go! He's flying! |  |
What did you think of that! Hmmmm? Okay Joe...you can leash me now! |  |
We're all tired, now! |  |
It's almost dinner time! |  |
Did someone say dinner? |  |
I sure worked up an appetite! |  |
But I don't want to go back! |  |
Well...I do! I'm right behind you, Galahad! |  |
Got treats? |  |
Could you get me a handful of Cherios, please? |  |
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