Critter Encounter

February 14
Happy Valentine's Day!

Hi!  I'm the Cupig!

Will you be my valentine???

Did you get to check out Jan 29 - Feb 1?  Make sure you do! 

Happy Valentine's Day!   Can we get some lovings?

Hey, Mat!  I wanna dress up, too!

Here...Donk E!  You can wear the heart garland!

Can I wear the hearts, too, Mat?

No, Donk E!  The hearts are mine!

Aww...come on, Mat!  Let me wear the hearts!

Nope!  I wanna wear the hearts!

I wanna wear the hearts, Dottie!  Mat won't give 'em up!
But I'm wearing the hearts!  They go with the wings!

Aww... come on, Mat!  Let me wear the hearts! 

Nope!  I'm not done with them, yet!  

I'll let Donk E wear them as soon as you take my Valentine picture for Grandma and Grampa!
But I wanna wear the hearts and wings for Grandma and Grampa, too!
Pretty please?

There!  Don't they look better on me?

Happy Valentine's Day, Grandma and Grampa!  And to all of our Family and Friends!
I like the garland!  How does it look on me?
Hey!  Can I wear the hearts, too?
Nobody even remembered me for Valentine's Day...

Zeekie Kitty!  You got catnip for your Valentine's gift!  That's remembering!

But it's still not the same, Piggy!

Everybody got to play dress up...but me!

Dottie?  Can we make Zeekie a happy Valentine?

He wants to dress up... like the rest of us!

Ya!  I want to be a valentine, too!

Don't I get the wings, too?
Whatch out what you ask for, Zeekie!
Ya... you're probably right, Piggy!  Never mind on the wings...OK?
Wow, Piggy!  My very own Valentine dress up!  Only thing is... I don't have a Valentine... 

I'll be your Valentine, Zeekie! 

But you're a pig, Piggy!

That doesn't matter, Zeekie!  Love is love! 

I suppose...  I do love you, Piggy!

And I love you too, Zeekie!  Now look at the camera!

How's this, Piggy?  It's my debonair look!

Great, Zeekie!  Now smile!

I am smiling!  Hey Piggy?  If Valentine's Day is the day you tell everybody you love them... then why isn't everyday Valentine's Day?

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